The oilserum provides optimal blend of special ingredients and special herbal extracts that have excellent antiseptic, antibacterial and antimicrobiotic properties. With its excellent depth effect the oil's moisture balance and the hydrolipid stabilize and regenerate.
DRHAZI Treatment Complex ® - Main ingredients: Chinese Bai Bu root extract - antibacterial, germicidal, China Zhi Zi extract - antimicrobial, antifungal and antiparasitic, Chinese Bai Zhi extract - Anti-inflammatory, analgesic,Chinese Ku Shen Root Extract antimicrobial, Chal Mogren oil - antiparasitic, antimicrobial effect
Bio Neem Oil - For people harmless, not comedogenic oil - but more than 200 species of insect it is lethal, because it can damage their hormone systems. Has also antimicrobial, antibacterial and fungicidal effect. There are more than 150 ingredients have been identified , of which have proven effective in numerous laboratory tests. Active ingredients: Azadirachtin, Salannin, Salannol, Meliantriol, Nimbin, Azadirachtol, Tokoferol, Vepinin) It is an excellent moisturizing agent, has a high vitamin E content, rich in skin nourishing substances and fatty acids , by the use feels dry, chapped , cracked and damaged skin again silky . May only be used externally.
Bio Karanja Oil - It has a similar effect as the neem oil (antimicrobial, antibacterial, fungicidal) can also be used internally (anthelmintics and effective against malaria and leprosy) as insect and microbe killer. Its main active ingredient is the Karanjan. A common use of neem oil enhanced the joint action.
Neutral triglyceride oil - Organic Neem oil - Karanja oil - DRHAZI Therapy Complex® - Japanese saphora extract- Gardenia extract - Cnidium extract - Chaulmogra oil - Tea tree oil - Rosemary oil - Vegetable emulsifier - Bio Totarol - Vitamin E
Natural Essential Oil
Tea tree oil, rosemary oil
natural, fresh